On Friday, drama unfolded in Bondo and Msambweni Constituencies as residents marched to their respective Members of Parliament’s offices, demanding explanations for their votes on the contentious Finance Bill 2024.
Bondo MP Gideon Ochanda and his Msambweni counterpart Feisal Bader had supported the bill in Thursday’s parliamentary session, sparking outrage among their constituents.
In Bondo, furious residents arrived at MP Ochanda’s office with a coffin, chanting “Ochanda must go” and “Rest in Peace Ochanda.” The coffin, inscribed with “#Reject Finance Bill 2024,” was placed outside the office door as the crowd demanded an audience with their representative. A video circulating on social media captured the scene, showing residents passionately calling for Ochanda to address them.
Similarly, in Msambweni, Kwale County, a group of youth converged on MP Feisal Bader’s office, seeking answers for his ‘YES’ vote on the bill. The viral video showed the youth protesting outside the heavily guarded office, with armed officers maintaining a watchful presence. The protesters insisted on a response from Bader, questioning whom he truly represented with his vote.