Drama unfolded on Friday at Karen Police Station when a suspect managed to escape custody by locking himself in his car and speeding away following his arrest. According to a police report , the suspect, Shailes Mistry, a director at Cateyes Customs Limited—a company dealing in firearms—was arrested at a local entertainment joint in Karen, Nairobi for possessing firearms without a permit.
Following his arrest, Mistry was escorted to Karen Police Station, and his car was towed. During an in-depth search of the vehicle, police recovered three pistols and a significant amount of ammunition. Subsequently, Mistry was taken to his residence at Southlands Estate Jordan Court House, where a further search revealed a shotgun and 210 rounds of ammunition.
In his defense, Mistry produced a civilian firearms certificate, but the police determined that the document had expired on February 21, 2023.
Two officers, Corporal Joseph Etemesi and Police Constable James King’ori, were tasked with booking Mistry into a cell. However, Mistry requested to retrieve a heavy sweater from his car, which was parked a few meters from the cell. The officers allowed him to access his vehicle.
Moments later, Mistry locked himself inside the car and refused to come out. The two officers in charge alerted the station guards for backup. Officer King’ori rushed to close the gate while shouting for help.
Despite the efforts of the Officer Commanding Station and his deputy, Mistry managed to drive past the main gate, hitting Officer King’ori in the process. The officer sustained injuries to his left leg. The scene has since been documented, and investigations are underway to arrest the suspect.