Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi has faced significant backlash from both the public and high-ranking officials following his recent comments about his extravagant spending habits. During an appearance on the Obinna Show on Thursday night, Sudi, known for his penchant for luxury, boasted about purchasing a high-end watch valued at Ksh16.6 million ($128,000).
Defending his expensive tastes, Sudi argued that luxury items such as clothing and jewelry are made for human enjoyment and he should not be judged for indulging in them.
“This watch was not manufactured for trees or cows but it was made for human beings.”
Sudi’s remarks quickly sparked outrage among Kenyans and drew criticism from high-ranking officials. Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Korir Sing’oei termed the interview as unfortunate, questioning its purpose: “(This is an) unfortunate interview. To what end?” he asked.