Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja was evacuated from Toi Market in Kibra amid a chaotic scene where residents were throwing stones at him. In a video circulating online , the crowd was heard heckling as stones were thrown in his direction. Sakaja had visited the market following an early morning fire that broke out around 4 am, believed to have been caused by an electrical fault in one of the wooden houses.
The blaze tragically resulted in the deaths of four people, including a child, who were attempting to save their belongings but were overpowered by the flames. The fire has affected at least 2,000 traders, leading to significant losses.
Toi Market chair Kenneth Jumba suggested that the fire might have been started intentionally. “We have never received the report on what caused the fire that we experienced last year. We are used to them,” he said. Despite the arrival of firefighters from the Nairobi County Government, the fire spread rapidly.
This incident is not isolated, as Toi Market has experienced frequent fires in the past, raising concerns among traders and residents about the safety and security of the market.