Kenya has been ranked fifth in Africa and 52nd globally for its beer consumption, with an average of 12 liters per capita, says a recent report released by the research firm Wisevoter.
Leading the list in Africa is Namibia, which ranks 6th globally with a staggering 95.5 liters per capita, followed by Gabon at 67 liters per capita, and South Africa at 60.1 liters per capita. The Democratic Republic of the Congo follows closely with 54.8 liters per capita, holding positions 25, 28, and 35, respectively.
Tanzania and Uganda trail behind Kenya in Africa, occupying the 6th and 7th positions, each with an average consumption of 8 and 6 liters per capita, respectively.
The report explains that beer consumption is measured both by volume and per capita. Volume measurement indicates the total amount of beer consumed in liters, while per capita measurement divides this number by the population to show the average liters of beer consumed per person.