Remember the age-old trick of burying your waterlogged phone in rice?
The method is decidedly low-tech. Just pop your phone in a bag of rice, seal it up, and wait for a day or so. The idea is that the rice will draw the water out from inside the phone before it can fry any internal parts. People who have experienced waterlogged phones swear by it, and there’s tons of anecdotal evidence to show that it does indeed work.
While many swear by it, new advice from Apple suggests it’s time to ditch the rice and try a different approach.
And a new from Apple actually advises against using rice to dry out your iPhone since it could make matters worse, as “doing so could allow small particles of rice to damage your iPhone.” Instead, Apple suggests the following steps:
Why rice isn’t your best friend:
- Rice particles can damage your phone: Apple warns that tiny rice grains can get lodged in ports and cause further harm.
- It might not absorb moisture effectively: Recent research suggests rice isn’t the most efficient drying agent for electronics.
Here’s what Apple recommends:
- Gently remove excess liquid: Tap your phone with the charging port facing down to shake off water droplets.
- Find a dry, airy spot: Let your phone rest in a dry area with good airflow for at least 30 minutes.
- Try charging after 30 minutes: You can attempt charging or connecting accessories after this initial drying period.
- Be patient: It might take up to 24 hours for your phone to fully dry. Keep it in a dry area and try charging periodically.
- Double-check connections: If charging fails, ensure your cable and adapter are properly connected and undamaged.
Important things to avoid:
- Heat sources: Don’t use hair dryers, ovens, or other heat sources to dry your phone.
- Compressed air: Avoid blowing compressed air into ports, as it might push moisture further in.
- Foreign objects: Don’t insert anything like cotton swabs or paper towels into ports, as they can cause damage.
Remember: While iPhones have improved water resistance since the iPhone 12, accidents happen. If your phone gets wet, follow Apple’s official guidelines for drying it out safely and effectively.
Additional tips:
- Consider investing in a waterproof case for added protection.
- Back up your phone regularly to avoid data loss in case of water damage.