The woes facing former Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiangi have gone a notch higher. The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has written to the Head of Public Service Felix Koskei, seeking certified copies of Matiangi’s wealth declaration.
According to EACC, the commission wants to establish how Matiangi’s wealth grew over the 10 years he served under President Uhuru Kenyatta as a CS.
Through a letter dated Monday, February 27, the EACC indicated that they had upped their investigation pursuant to Section 30(1)(4)(b) of the Public Officers Ethics Act.
“The Commission wishes to request for Certified Copies of Declaration of Income, Assets and Liabilities forms for years 2012 to 2022, including the initial and final declarations,” a letter signed by EACC chief executive Twalib Mbarak has said.
In addition to that the Commission’s chief executive delegated EACC officers Abdul Low and Paul Mugwe to spearhead the case by collecting the documents from Koskei’s office at Harambee House.
This is the latest challenge that the former CS will have to contend with since an alleged raid by the police at his home on Wednesday night, February 8.