For months the question on who Patrick Swaze was and whether a man named Jason Little was indeed his son has refused to get off the internet. Patrick Wayne Swayze was a Hollywood actor, dancer, and singer-songwriter known for his movies such as Donnie Darko, Waking Up in Reno, King Solomon’s Mines, Havana Nights and One Last Dance.
He died of pancreatic cancer in 2009. He did not leave any children, or so it was thought until a few months ago when it emerged that American Football star Jason Whittle is his son.
Whittle was allegedly conceived during a one-night stand between his mother, Bonnie Kay, and then-20-year-old Patrick Swayze in the early 1970s. Bonnie was 15 years old when she met Swayze at Missouri’s Lake of the Ozarks in 1972.
In the 31 July 2017 issue of Globe Magazine, Bonnie’s mom, Lebetta (Luvin) Whittle, commented on it as follows: She told me he wanted her to run away with him. But she was way too young and told him he could get in trouble for doing that. It was a short relationship, and she said she stayed there all night.
While you may think that anybody who believed to be the son of a successful actor would try to get their fair share of the deceased’s estate, Jason Whittle doesn’t actually need the money. That is because he has made his career as a professional football player.
He has made a nice living for himself by playing the guard position. After starting to play football in high school, he would continue to do so throughout his college career at Southwest Missouri State. He would then be propelled into the NFL, making his career playing for several different teams, those including the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, the New York Giants, the Buffalo Bills, and the Minnesota Vikings.