Kenyan socialite Shakilla has revealed her newfound single status and declared her intention to distance herself from any romantic entanglements.
“I’m single; let no one claim that I’m theirs, please,” she asserted, expressing her desire to remain unattached.
Furthermore, she emphasized her reluctance to dwell on the past, urging others to swiftly move on to find deserving partners.
Following her announcement, YouTuber Vincent Mboya publicly expressed interest in Shakilla, citing his own single status and offering to lavish her with attention and affection.
However, this declaration comes in the wake of Shakilla’s candid revelation in an August 2023 interview, where she admitted to a history of numerous sexual partners that she couldn’t tally.
Acknowledging her prolific dating life, she humorously confessed to losing count and expressed a lack of recollection regarding the specifics, emphasizing that the number was substantial.
Shakilla’s unabashed honesty regarding her romantic history continues to garner attention and spark discussions about societal attitudes towards sexuality and relationships.