Police are investigating an incident involving a bodyguard assigned to Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr that occurred outside the governor’s private office in Nairobi. The event took place on Muchai Drive, off Ngong Road, on Tuesday afternoon, according to police reports.
The incident unfolded when the bodyguard, who was waiting for Governor Mutula’s arrival, was robbed of his mobile phone. The bodyguard explained to police that he was in communication with the security team escorting the governor when two men on a motorcycle suddenly approached and snatched his phone before speeding off.
In an attempt to stop the thieves, the bodyguard fired shots into the air, but the assailants did not stop. He then quickly mounted a nearby motorcycle and pursued the robbers, but his efforts were unsuccessful. The robbers managed to disappear into a crowd, leading the bodyguard to fire two more shots into the air.
Fortunately, no injuries were reported during the incident. Police have described the event as a typical robbery and have stated that it was not specifically targeted at Governor Mutula. Authorities are continuing their search for the two suspects involved.