Police in Kasarani are investigating a bizzare incident after a bodaboda rider was almost raped by a male client he had ferried to Roysambu on Friday night.
Anthony Mwangi was on Friday approached by client who wanted to be ferried to Zebra apartment near the TRM Mall. Upon reaching the house, the client claimed that he did not have money with him and his phone was off.
He then requested the bodaboda rider to accompany him to the house since he had some cash. However upon reaching the house, the client started to act weirdly by holding the rider in an inappropriate manner before asking him to bend.
The rider refused but as he was trying to free himself, the man gripped him and kissed him so hard biting of a chunk of his upper lips. The rider screamed for help attracting neighbours who were already asleep.
The matter has been reported at the Kasarani Police Station